Welcome to the ARGenWeb Project website of the White County Historical Society. My name is Leroy Blair and I am beginning to maintain the website September 13, 2021 for the White County Historical Society. I can do local lookups for you but I will do all that I can to aid you in your research. The meetings for the historical society are held on the 4th Monday of each month except December, none. The email for the society in all instances is wchs1962@gmail.com on this site. The Historical Society was founded in 1961 "to bring together those people interested in the history of White County." Our major function is to discover and collect material that may help document the history of our area. The Society is one of the largest in the State of Arkansas. We have three major restoration projects: (1) Pioneer Village, (2) 1856 Smyrna Church and (3) the last M&NA passenger car. We also research and preserve genealogical records of the county, comprehensive cemetery, marriage lists, Probate Court records and other pieces of the past such as oral histories and old photographs. The Historical Society also offers several publications and books.
This website contains a nearly comprehensive list of all known cemeteries in the county, an extensive list of probate records, and many other genealogical records.
Pioneer Village is a collection of 19th century buildings, farm implements and other items of historical interest.
Built in 1856, the Smyrna church is one of only five known antebellum church buildings remaining in the state and the oldest documented building standing in White County. It is presently undergoing an extensive restoration.
I welcome and encourage the contribution of White County, AR information and links to this website. All information is credited to whom credit is Thank you for visiting the site and I hope you find something useful or that you enjoyed. Note:To access all files on site select Map of Site from Table Below Since our office on the square in Searcy has been closed due to structural problems, you can contact us by calling 501-278-5010, or email at wchs1962@gmail.com. Or mail to P. O. Box 537 Searcy, Ark. 72145.-
If you are interested in learning more about the society, contact Shelly Churchwell by email: shellywyattchurchwell@gmail.com
You can access membership application on this website at this location:Application
Special thanks to Sandy Hardin, who designed my page! And Gina Heffernan for helping make the page much clearer!
email Leroy Blair - lblblair74@gmail.com
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