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Kathy Michael
McLean County Clerk
Director of Recording Mark Bounds
Recording Administrator Molly Shipley
Main Line 309-888-5170
Welcome to The
McLean County Illinois
Public Record Search
Registration and User Agreement Required
There is no charge to use the McLean County Recorder’s online records search, however, registration is required. Accounts are available to individuals or professional searchers. To qualify and obtain a User ID, you may use the link at the left "Create an Account". After you create an account, you will be required to print and sign the notarized user agreement and send it back to us. Otherwise, you may apply in person at our office and present a photo id. Applications are processed promptly and your approved ID and password will be returned by e-mail. For any questions please email Download User Agreement
Your account WILL NOT be activated until the signed User Agreement is received by the Recorder's office.
Site Requirements
If you are not able to display document images or data, your computer may need to be configured to the proper settings. Please consult the Site Requirements section to the left of this message and reconfigure your computer.
Database Notes
* Over three million pages of information contained herein have been scanned to block visibility of Social Security Numbers. Although we believe this process was thorough and reliable, we cannot guarantee every SSN was blocked. If you find a visible SSN please notify us at so that we can block it.
* We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the document database. Since 2005 we believe document data is largely accurate and complete. Before that date some problems exist in completeness, accuracy of spelling and inclusion of or accuracy of PIN numbers. While searching, use variations of the name and speculate on misspellings to use as you search. When available, always view the image of the document to confirm the information in the record.
* In 2006 we began a major project of indexing documents that were previously on microfilm but never indexed into the computer recording system. To date over 100,000 document records have been recovered and added to the database, covering years 1971 to 2003. Those documents will contain (RDX) in the document type name and will not contain the completeness of data on later documents. Please view the document image for the complete information.
If you need help in learning to use this database, first use the HELP CENTER link to the top right. If still unable to use the system, email or call us at 309-888-5170. Please note that the HELP CENTER feature details some features planned, but not yet included in the database.
eRecording Vendors:
Simplifile: website- My Dec: website-
Phone Number: 1-800-460-5657 Phone Number: 1-844-445-1114
EPN: website-
Phone Number: 1-888-325-3365
CSC eRecording Solutions: Website -
Phone Number: 1- 866-652-0111
Indecomm: website -
Phone Number: 1-877-272-5250