Marshall County, Iowa History and Genealogy

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Volunteers Dedicated to Free Genealogy

Our goal is to help you track your ancestors through time by transcribing genealogical
and historical data and placing it online for the free use of all researchers.
We're looking for folks who share our dedication to putting data online and
are interested in helping this project be as successful as we can make it.

This county website is in need of a permanent host.

If you are interested joining our group as webmaster for this website, or any of our websites,
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A desire to transcribe data and know-how to make a basic webpage is required.


Births Biographies Cemeteries
Census Data Churches Geographical Features
Historical Info Marriages/Anniversaries Military Data
News Articles Obituaries/Deaths People
Schools Towns And Villages Townships

Website updates:

05 January 2025:
People: Immigrants From Bavaria, Germany to Marshall, Iowa

Past Updates

County Information:

Organized from Jasper County in 1846, the county seat is Marshalltown.
The center of population of Iowa is located in Marshall County, in the city of Marshalltown.


We'll be adding data to this site as we can.
You can help us to get this site growing by
sending in your family's data.

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Submit your Iowa Obituaries HERE.

Regretfully we are unable to perform personal research.

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Surrounding Counties

Hardin County (northwest)
Grundy County (northeast)
Tama County (east)
Jasper County (south)
Story County (west)

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