Welcome to Otoe County Nebraska!

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My name is Chandra Hainline and I am your
host for this site.

   My goal is to transcribe genealogical and historical data and place it online for your free use in order to help you track your ancestors through time . 

Regretfully, I am unable to do personal research...

However, all data I come across will be added to this site as often as possible.


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Happy Trails to you on your quest for your ancestors.







Census Data


Historical Info




Newspaper Data

Obituaries & Deaths





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County Info

The eastern boundary of Otoe county is the Missouri River.  It is a largely agricultural region with rolling hills and rich soil.  Corn, soybeans, milo (grain sorghum), wheat, and other, less common, grain crops are joined by several commercial apple orchards.  Animal husbandry concetrates on beef cattle, the locally produced grains being excellent sources of feed for them. 

 Otoe County was first defined on March 2, 1855, formed from "Old Pierce County".  Named for the former residents, the Otoe Indians.  The Otoe lived along the Missouri River in the area that is now Otoe County.  It has been spelled "Ottoe" and "Oto" before its present spelling was agreed upon.  The boundaries were redefined in 1856.  Its county seat is the river-port, Nebraska City.





Surrounding Counties:

Cass County, NE (north)

Fremont County, IA (east)

Atchison County, MO (southeast)

Nemaha County, NE (south)

Johnson County, NE (south)

Gage County, NE (southwest corner)

Lancaster County, NE (west)

Visit the Nebraska State Page







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