Arrest Search

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The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office provides this information as a service to citizens, inmate families or friends, attorneys, law enforcement and others; but does not detail the final disposition of criminal justice proceedings.  All arrestees are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. To obtain court disposition for those facing state charges you can contact the Charlotte County Clerk of Courts (941) 505-4716.  Please see Terms and Conditions on this site for usage rights and information. We are offering restful interface for Media use that can be found here.

Information contained herein includes current and prior offenses. Offense types include related crimes such as attempts, conspiracies and solicitations to commit crimes.

The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office updates this information regularly, to ensure that it is complete and accurate, however this information can change quickly. The information on this site may not reflect the true current location, status, release date, or other information regarding a detainee. Technical difficulties may cause updates to be delayed; therefore the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office makes no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Any person who believes information provided is not accurate may contact the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office at or by phone (941) 639-2101.

If you do not find a person here that should be in our system, please try searching with a different spelling, or by entering just the first few letters of the name. If you have difficulty finding a record of a person and need immediate information, please call (941) 639-2101.

This server and its data, images, etc. are provided for public informational purposes. Data mining / large bulk requests of this site are strictly prohibited. Large data requests from the data that this site provides, can be made through our records department. Please contact us at (941) 575-5251 or for further information.

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