
GIS (Geographic Information Systems)

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What is GIS?

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is a technology that is quickly being embraced by many levels of government to aid in managing resources. GIS allows roads, locations, boundaries, etc., to be accurately mapped, recorded, and queried. GIS also allows information about each of the mapped items to be recorded and easily maintained. Morgan County will be using GIS to create and organize information on tax parcels, taxing districts, roads, soil types, emergency response zones, etc. The GIS Department is dedicated to developing and maintaining accurate geographic data bases for Morgan County. GIS also allows data to be used in problem solving, planning and development, and for emergency services.

Questions that GIS can help answer include:

• Location: “Where is it?”

• Condition: “What is Located at . . .?”

• Trends: “What has changed since . . .?”

• Patterns: “What spatial patterns exist?”

• Modeling: “What if . . .?”

What does the Morgan County GIS do?

Housed under the Regional Planning office, the Morgan County GIS works with several partners to aide in the collection, maintenance, and sharing of various common datasets. Originating in the County Assessor’s office with the digitizing of the tax maps, which it still maintains to this day, the GIS has since expanded to aide several local agencies. For example, the GIS currently maintains countywide layer of address points, hydrants, and road centerlines that are used for emergency routing & 911 dispatching, and police crash reporting. The GIS also maintains the mapping components to the City of Jacksonville’s zoning & permitting software. The GIS also provides the public access to the data via the new morganmaps.net mapping portal.