There are no available positions at this time.
County Clerk
Pam Beam
Deputy Clerks
Chelsa Armendariz & Bonnie Beam
P.O. Box 702
(210 Westmoreland Street)
Mason, Texas 76856
Phone: 325-347-5253
FAX: 325-347-6868
Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale
Records Filing Requirements
Recording Fees
Birth Certificate Information
Legal Guidance (Texas Law Help)
Find Representation
Brand Application 2021
Attached you will find the brand
application. It is $26.00 for Cattle and $26.00 for horses for only one
location. You have to complete a separate application for only these two
species of animals and if you have more than one location it is an additional
$26.00 per location. Swine, sheep & goats may be entered on either
type of application.
As long as you have the application
Notarized you do not have to come into the clerk’s office you can mail in the
application with the fee. Do not email it in we have to have the
original. We will not accept a renewal application before August 31st
2021. Your brand will remain yours until the end of February and then it
is open to anyone.
Should you have any questions please feel
free to give us a call.