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Indiana Genealogy and History
Presented by Indiana Genealogy Trails
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Welcome to Clinton County, Indiana
History and Genealogy

Clinton County Courthouse in Frankfort, Indiana

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Clinton county was named in  honor of DeWitt Clinton. The surface of the county is level, excepting along the Wild cat, in the southwest corner. There is no barren or waste lands in the county. In the south-western portion is the twelve mile prairie. There are one or two other small prairies in the county, but, with the exception of these, and the one first named, all the balance of the surface was originally covered with a dense and heavy forest, containing an abundance of timber of a fine quality. The soil of the county  may be termed alluvial, with a clay bottom. All the grains and grasses indigenous to the West can be produced in this county with profit. It is, perhaps, especially adapted to the cultivation of hay and for pasturage. Generally speaking it is one of the best farming counties in Indiana. As a proof of this, it may be mentioned that it is quite thickly settled with an intelligent, wealthy class of farmers, who have grown up to independence with the growth of the county.

Frankfort is the county seat. The section of country from which this young city derives its trade, is one of the best agricultural sections in the West. It already has a population of over three thousand, and is steadily progressing in all its industries. Its schools are excellent, supported by first class talent, and provided with commodious buildings. The city has very good railroad facilities, and has all the elements of future prosperity which are being rapidly developed.
Transcribed from The History of the State of Indiana 1876

Clinton County officially came into existence on March 1, 1830, and was named in honor of DeWitt Clinton, the seventh Governor of New York State and architect of the Erie Canal. The act forming the county was approved by the Indiana General Assembly on January 29, 1830, and created Clinton from the eastern parts of neighboring Tippecanoe County.

Lieutenant General James F. Record was born and raised in Clinton County; Gen Record was awarded 3x Distinguished Service Crosses for his gallantry during the Vietnam War.

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