Important: Probate Court Order of Operations during Statewide Judicial Emergency
Mitchell County Probate Court
Robert C. Richardson, Jr., Probate Judge
11 West Broad Street, Room 102
P.O. Box 229
Camilla, GA 31730
229-336-2015 office
229-336-2354 fax
Click here to email
Department Services
Vital Records:
• Birth Certificates
• Death Certificates
• Marriage Licenses and Records
Probate Court:
• Issue Firearms License
• Perform Marriages
• Issue Fireworks Permits
• Issue Residency Statements
• Livestock Marks and Brands
• Wills
• Administration (permanent, temporary, or no administration)
• Guardianship
• Adults (person and property)
• Emergency (temporary, permanent, incapacitated adults, and minors)
Mitchell County Law Library:
Robert C. Richardson, Jr., Treasurer, Secretary
Probate Attorneys are responsible for fully completing any Probate procedure filed.
NO FAX fillings are accepted.
• Filling fees must be received at filing
• Any procedures requiring sheriff’s involvement a fee is due in advance
• Attorneys must provide court with stamped addressed envelopes
• Expenses incurred by the court for certified mailing, etc. will be charges to the estate
• All hearings will be scheduled at a later date
• Same rules apply as in estates
• Court will make arrangements for doctor’s evaluation and notify the attorney of the specifics such as address, date, and time of appointment.
Marriage Licenses:
• Effective July 1st, 2003 Blood Test are NO longer required
• Probate Judge will perform marriage ceremonies at no charge and appointments are preferred during regular business hours.
• Applicants 18 and over- ID is required
Court will accept:
• Certified copy of birth certificate with seal
• Valid Georgia Driver’s License
• Valid Georgia ID card issued by the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicle
• Valid out of state driver’s license
• Valid out of state ID card issued by the DMV
• Current military ID with photo with either
• Original issue Social Security Card (defaced, metal, or laminated not accepted)
• Print out from the Social Security Administration
If previously married:
• Divorced must have a certified copy of the last divorce decree signed by the judge.
• Deceased must have a certified copy of Death Certificate (copies not accepted).
Applicants under 18:
• Must be at least 18 years of age without parental consent
• OR Must be at least 16 years of age with both parents, or the legal guardian(s) consent.
• AND Must have a birth certificate issued within 45 days of application. (No exceptions)
• Parents are married – Both parents must personally appear with proper photo ID.
• Parents are Divorced – Both parents must give consent regardless of custodial parent status.
Parents never married
• Child never legitimated – Only mother's consent required with birth certificate issued in the last 45 days.
• Child legitimated – Both parents must give parental consent.
• Legal guardian(s) – May give consent with proof of guardianship and photo ID.
NOTE: Parent(s)/ Guardian unable to personally appear in court due to illness or infirmity may submit a notarized affidavit AND a notarized affidavit from the attending physician along with photo ID. All documents must be in English. Translations are available from the INS of birth certificates etc.
Firearms License:
Basic Requirements
• Must be at least 21 years old
• Must be a resident of Mitchell County to apply locally
• Must provide picture ID (Driver’s License or State Issued ID)
• Must not be on probation for any offense
• Must agree to criminal history background check
• Applicant must not have any disqualifications to receive license.
Georgia Weapons Carry Licenses
Basic Requirements effective July 1, 2014
All Applicants:
• Must be at least 21 years old (unless applicant is at least 18 years of age and provides proof that he or she has completed basic training in the armed forces of the United States and is either currently actively serving in the armed services of the United States or has been honorably discharged from such service;
• Must be a resident of Mitchell County;
• Must provide picture ID (Driver's License or State Issue ID) showing Mitchell County residence;
• Must not be on probation for any offense;
• Must agree to criminal history background check and check of certain mental health records; and
• Must not have any state or federal disqualifications to receive license.
Procedure to obtain WCL:
• All persons wishing to obtain or renew a WCL must appear personally at the Probate Court Office to complete application.
• Applicant must pay $72.50 application fee for initial WCL application in Mitchell County or $30.00 application fee for renewals of WCLs. In order to be considered a renewal, WCL being renewed must have been issued in Mitchell County and must not have expired more than 30 days prior to date of application for renewal.
• The application fee may be paid by cash, money order, or personal check. In addition to other remedies provided by law, any personal check dishonored shall result valid will result in the revocation of the license. No refunds will be issued once the application process has been initiated.
• After completing the written application process at the Probate Court, applicants for their initial WCL in Mitchell County are required to go to the Mitchell County Justice Center and be fingerprinted by an employee of the Mitchell County Sheriff. After completing the written application process at the Probate Court, applicants for renewals need not be fingerprinted; The Probate Court will deliver the appropriate documents to the Mitchell County Sheriff's Office for the background checks required by law.
• After the background checks required by law have been completed by the Mitchell County Sheriff's Office, the Sheriff's Office is to return the application and background checks indicate that they are or may be ineligible for a WCL will receive written notification and an opportunity to provide further information and for a formal hearing. Applicants whose applications are approved will be notified by telephone by the Probate Court and may pick up their new WCL at the Probate Court Office.
State and Federal WCL Prohibitors
The Probate Court cannot issue a WCL to a person who is prohibited from having a WCL under Georgia or Federal Law.
State Prohibitors, O.C.G.A. Section 16-11-129, include:
1. Any person who has been convicted of a felony and who has not received a pardon;
2. Any person against whom felony proceedings are pending;