Birth Certificates: How to Apply for a Birth or Death Certificate at Rains County Clerk's Office.
Our office does not accept Birth Certificate requests by mail. The cost for a Birth Certificate is $23.
Application for Birth/Death Certificate (PDF FORM)
Qualified Applicants are the following:
- The registrant. The person named in the record.
- The parent, child, brother, sister, spouse, grandparent, legal guardian or managing conservator of the registrant.
- Legal representative, agent or other person acting under contract for the registrant must provide a letter of permission and a copy of identification from the registrant.
- An applicant must provide all necessary information and show proper identification prior to obtaining the certificate.
- Acceptable Forms of Identification (PDF)
Application for Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
Information needed to obtain a birth certificate:
- Full name on birth certificate
- Date and place of birth
- Father’s full name
- Mother’s full maiden name
- Name, address and phone number of the Requester
- Proof of Relationship to person on birth record if purchasing for family member
- Valid identification (Driver's License Preferred)
- Purpose of obtaining the birth certificate
- If you are needing to correct a birth certificate, please click here.
- Who can request a certified copy of a birth or death certificate?
(All Applicants must have valid, acceptable ID)
Registrant- the individual named on the certificate. Must have valid, acceptable ID
Registrant’s Child- Must have a copy of your birth certificate with the registrant listed as your parent
Registrant’s Parent- Must be listed on certificate as parent or have a court order signed by a judge proving your relationship to the registrant
Registrant’s Legal Guardian- Must have a court order signed by a judge proving legal guardianship over the registrant
Registrant’s Sibling- Must have your birth certificate; must share same parent as registrant
Registrant’s Grandparent- Must prove relationship to the grandchild with a certified birth certificate of the mother/father of the child. Related parent must be listed on requested birth certificate.
Registrant’s Spouse- Must have your marriage license to the registrant
Registrant’s Legal or Personal Representative or Agent- Must provide legal documentation per Texas Administrative Code requirements [e.g., power of attorney, attorney-client retention contract with State Bar ID card, verified agent designation, court order] * CPS (Must have your work badge and court order showing the agency oversees the registrant and the waiver form) * Parole Officer (Must have your work badge and proof that you oversee the registrant)
Texas Administrative Code requirements
For full details, see Title 25, Chapter 181, "Vital Statistics", Texas Administrative Code
25 Tex. Adm. Code §181.1(21): Properly qualified applicant (qualified applicant) --The registrant, or immediate family member either by blood, marriage or adoption, his or her guardian, or his or her legal agent or representative. Local, state and federal law enforcement or governmental agencies and other persons may be designated as properly qualified applicants by demonstrating a direct and tangible interest in the record when the information in the record is necessary to implement a statutory provision or to protect a personal legal property right….
25 Tex. Adm. Code §181.1(22): Registrant--The individual named on the certificate of birth, death, or fetal death; application for marriage license; or report of divorce or annulment of marriage.
25 Tex. Adm. Code §181.1(13): Immediate family member--The registrant, his or her guardian, or the children, spouse, parents, siblings, or grandparents of the registrant.
25 Tex. Adm. Code §181.1(16): Legal representative (personal representative or agent) --An attorney in fact, a funeral director, or any other person designated by affidavit, contract, or court order acting on behalf and for the benefit of the registrant or his or her immediate family. In order to determine the need for protection for personal property rights when the legal representative is acting on behalf and for the benefit of the registrant or the registrant's immediate family or other entity having a direct and tangible interest in the record, the State Registrar, Local Registrar, or county clerk shall require a designation document or an attested statement to that effect.
For more information or questions, contact the Austin Vital Statistics office at 888-963-7111 or visit this website:
Death Certificates:
- Death Records are available only for decedents who pass within the Rains County limits.
Application for a Certified Copy of a Death Certificate (PDF Form)
Our office does not accept Death Certificate requests by mail. The cost for a Death Certificate is $21 for the first certificate and $4 for each additional certificates if purchased at the same time. All payment types are accepted by the County Clerk's office.
Only a Qualified Applicant may obtain a copy of a death certificate:
- The parent, child, brother, sister, spouse, grandparent, legal guardian or managing conservator of the
- Legal representative, agent or other person acting under contract for the registrant must provide a letter of permission and a copy of identification from the registrant.
- An applicant must provide all necessary information and show proper identification prior to obtaining the certificate.
Acceptable Forms of Identification (PDF)