Monroe County, Indiana

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Marriage Licenses


Start your marriage license application online

Indiana Residents: $29.00 ($25.00 Application Fee + $1.00 Copy Fee + $3.00 Certification Fee - IC 33-32-5-1 and IC 33-37-5-1 and IC 33-37-5-3)

Out of State Residents: $69.00 ($65 Application Fee + $1.00 Copy Fee + $3.00 Certification Fee - IC 33-32-5-1  and IC 33-37-5-1 and IC 33-37-5-3)

Application must be made in the county where at least one of the two applicants live.  Both applicants must apply in person and provide proper identification.

Applicants will receive a license the same day they apply.  The license is valid for 60 days in Indiana.  A copy of the Certified License will be mailed within two weeks AFTER the officiant returns the official license to the Clerk's Office.


An apostille is a form of authentication established at the 1961 Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents. An Apostille is used to authenticate public documents, certifying the authenticity of the issuing official's or notary public's signature on the document, the capacity in which the person has acted, and identifies the seal/stamp which the document bears. Apostilles are used as transmittal on documents executed in one subscribing country that are being sent to another subscribing country. Apostilles and certifications issued by the Indiana Secretary of State may NOT be used in the United States. 

Contact Us

301 N College Ave
Room 203
Bloomington, IN 47402
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  • Phone: (812) 349-2614
  • Fax: (812) 349-2610
  • Staff Directory
  • M - F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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