The City Clerk is an officer of the City appointed by the City Manager and serves as clerk for the Council. The Clerk certifies and attest by signature and affixing the City seal to all official City Documents to include ordinances, resolutions and contracts.

The City Clerk’s office is the custodian of all municipal records, which include; agendas and minutes of the proceedings of the council, all ordinances and resolutions passed by the council.

The City Clerk’s office administers all regular and special municipal elections in coordination with the County Election Board in compliance with Oklahoma election law and Municipal Charter.

Services of process on the City, money judgement against the city, tort claims and other legal documents are served through the City Clerk’s office.

The City Clerk’s office issues and maintains City licenses and permits as authorized and defined by the City Code and accepts and processes Request for Records in compliance with Oklahoma Open Records Act.

The City Clerk’s office maintains the two Moore Cemeteries; Smith Cemetery and Moore Cemetery. Scheduling of services and marking of graves are scheduled through the City Clerk’s office. The sale of lots, issuance of deeds and monument sets are also processed through the City Clerk’s office. All historical data regarding the cemeteries are maintained in the City Clerk’s office.

The Office of the City Clerk is located at Moore City Hall, 301 N. Broadway, Moore, OK 73160 and be contacted by phone at 405-793-5020.

Code and Ordinances

An ordinance is a law passed by a municipal government. Ordinances constitute the subject matter of municipal law. The power of municipal governments to enact ordinances is derived from the state constitution or statutes or through the legislative grant of a municipal charter. Ordinances deal with maintaining public safety, health morals, general welfare, public streets and sidewalks, and zoning.

Click here to view the City of Moore Land Development Code

Click here to view the City of Moore Municipal Code

Open Records Act

Title 51 O.S. Sections 24A.1 – 24A.30

All records of public bodies and public officials are open to any person for inspection, copying, or mechanical reproduction during regular business hours. The Open Records Act does not apply to records specifically required by law to be kept confidential. The public bodies will provide prompt, reasonable access to its records but may establish reasonable procedures to protect the integrity of its records and to prevent excessive disruption to its essential functions.


1. Page .10
2. Copy certified by Clerk/Police 1.00
3. Computer Page 1.00
4. Mechanical Reproduction .actual cost
5. Copying of assembled document such as books, council agendas, reports, budgets, audits, etc. (Excluding City Code)
a. 1 – 50 pages in length .09 p/page
b. 50 – 100 pages in length .08 p/page
c. 100 – 200 pages in length .07 p/page
d. 200 – 300 pages in length .06 p/page
e. In excess of 300 pages .05 p/page
6. GIS System Products and Associated Fees (note: All prices double for glossy paper)
a. Zoning Map (8 ½ X 11) 5.00 (30 X 40) 10.00
b. Zoning Radius Map (8 ½ X 11) 5.00
c. Planimetric Map (8 ½ X 11) 5.00 (30 X 40) 10.00
d. City Street Map (30 X 40) 10.00
e. Aerial Photos (8 ½ X 11) 5.00 (30 X 40) 10.00 Aerial Photo with Planimetric Overlay (8 ½ X 11) 5.00 (30 X 40) 15.00
f. Digital Aerial Photos (per Section) 25.00 Digital 2’ Contours 150.00 per quadrant 500.00 entire City
g. Custom Maps (1 hour min.) 25.00 per hour
h. Search Fee for commercial purposes .actual cost
i. Prepayment required when estimated to cost more than $20.00
j. Cost of Moore City Code 100.00 Supplement 25.00


Alcoholic Beverage License

  • Beer On-Premise $20 annually Beer Off Premise $10 annually
  • Mixed Beverage – New License $1000 Renewal annually $900
  • Package Store $600 annually
  • Beer and Wine $500 annually
  • Distiller/Brewery $950 annually

Food License

  • Any Food Business which is required to be licensed through the Department of Health $50 permit fee
  • Mobile Food Vendor- $20 for 1 Day / $30 for 30 Days / $125 for 180 Days / $20 Central Park Vendor Space / $125 Celebration in the Heartland Food Vendor Space
  • Seasonal/Temporary Food – $5 for 14 days / $20 May 1st through December 31st


  • Massage Business $100 annually
  • Massage Therapist $25 annually

Other Licenses

  • Auction Permit – $25
  • Building or House Moving – $50 permit fee and $500 bond
  • Coin Operated Amusement Devices – $15 each device (annually)
  • Commercial Medical Marijuana Business License (annually): Dispensary – $600; Grow – $900; Testing Lab – $900; Research – $500; Education – $500
  • Fireworks Display Permit – $85
  • Oil and Gas Mineral Production – Drilling permit for original well $5,000 / Drilling Permit Application Fee $5,000 / Permit to drill or re-enter a well or enhanced recovery or substance disposal $5,000 / Annual inspection fee $450
  • Parade Assembly Permit – No Fee
  • Pawn Broker – $50 (annually), $500 bond
  • Precious Metal Dealer – $25 a day or $100 (annually)
  • Recreation and Amusement Center – $100 (annually)
  • Solicitor (applicant must apply in person through the City Clerk’s office) $40 per vendor for 6 Months or $75 per vendor for a year / $500 bond or License and Permit Bond
  • Charitable Solicitor Permit – No Fee
  • Tattoo/Body Piercing Business – $100 (annually)
  • Tattoo/Body Piercing Artist – $25 (annually)
  • Taxicab Service – $15 per taxicab (annually)
  • Wrecker Service – $100 (annually)
