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If you have any information, please don't hesitate to reach out to report an anonymous tip.
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Crime Stoppers combats the three major problems law enforcement faces in gathering information: fear of reprisal, apathy, and a reluctance to get involved.
San Diego County Crime Stoppers Inc. works with all law enforcement agencies within the County of San Diego along with our media partners to publicize unsolved felony crimes with the goal of bringing in tips from the public.
Cases Solved: 6,452 Felony Arrests: 4,259
Students Speaking Out is a program of San Diego County Crime Stoppers a community-based nonprofit organization (501c3) inspired by our Campus Crime Stoppers program which has helped to solve hundreds crimes on local school campuses
Support the work of San Diego Crime Stoppers.
11:00 AM - Registration and contests
12:00 PM - Start Time
Ticket Sales will be at registration the day of event.
San Diego Crime Stoppers Is A Non-Profit Organization And Relies Solely On Your Contributions.
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Students Speaking Out is supported by generous individuals and companies.
For more information
contact our office at
(858) 322-6205 or