City Map Services
On this page you will find links that will direct you to GIS map viewers and maps with search capabilities.
Please come back to visit this page regularly as there will be ongoing work to add new content as well as continual updates to the City’s GIS data.
1. City Boundary
2. City Maintained Landscape Areas
3. Creek Study
4. Crime Mapping (third party source)
5. Drain Inlets and Manholes
6. Election Districts
7. FEMA Special Flood Hazard Zones
8. HOA
9. Homes by Year Built
10. Neighborhood Watch
11. Street Sweeping
12. Tract Boundaries
13. Unclaimed Property
14. Zoning
1. City Boundary
2. City Maintained Landscape Areas [Search by street / cross streets]
3. Creek Study
4. Crime Mapping (third party source)
5. Drain Inlets and Manholes
6. Election Districts [Search by address] [For more details regarding Election Districts (]
7. FEMA Special Flood Hazard Zones [Search by APN / Address]
8. HOA [Search by Address / APN / HOA name]
9. Homes by Year Built
10. Neighborhood Watch
11. Street Sweeping -
12. Tract Boundaries [Search by Tract number]
13. Unclaimed Properties in Lake Forest [Search by address / name]
14. Zoning [Search by address / APN]
City Map Graphics
Click on the images below to view a large size image of the map.
General Plan Land Use
Guide Map of Lake Forest
Lake Forest GIS Map Service Disclaimer Notice:
The City of Lake Forest provides this information to the general public. The information contained was generated from GIS data maintained by different sources and agencies. Some limitations may apply based upon restrictions imposed by other sources or agencies supplying data to the City. Areas depicted by these digital products are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to mapping, surveying, or engineering standards. These digital products are for illustration purposes only, are not suitable for site-specific decision making, are subject to constant changes, and may not be complete, accurate or current. Any specific coordinates may be in error by several hundred feet or more. A digital layer may have registration errors and not overlay with other data layers correctly. The City provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Conclusions drawn from this information are the responsibility of the user. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, correctness and timeliness of the materials presented. However, the City assumes no responsibility in the event that any information is incorrect. The City of assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of incomplete, incorrect or omitted information, even if the City is advised of the possibility that the information may not be accurate. The user of this information assumes all liability for their dependence on this information and assumes responsibility for the information. Under no circumstances is the data provided to be resold or supplied to third parties for other reasons.