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Apply for a Marriage License

City Clerk's Office

Please be aware that to apply for a marriage license, you must come into the City Clerk's Office with your intended spouse between the following hours:

Monday: 8:30AM-7:30PM

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8:30AM-4:30PM

Friday: 8:30AM-11:30AM 

This process cannot be completed through the mail.

Your marriage license will be ready for pick-up after the three-day waiting period. Please note that the license will be valid for 60 days from date of application and may be used in any Massachusetts city or town (not valid outside of Massachusetts).

The cost to apply for a marriage license is $35.

To schedule a marriage ceremony at Cambridge City Hall, please visit Schedule online

A marriage intention number is required to schedule a ceremony.

Please note: Marriage ceremonies performed by the Cambridge City Clerk's Office are by appointment only.

Diane P. LeBlanc

City Clerk

City of Cambridge

Justices of the Peace.


Justice of the Peace - Counties by City/Town


No, according to Massachusetts State Law there is no residency requirement for either party.

Page was last modified on 6/28/2024 9:35 AM
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