Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
Loretta Mason
Election Administrator/Voter Registrar
Email: lmason@co.panola.tx.us

Kelsey Gates 
Deputy Election Administrator/
Deputy Election Registrar
Email: kelsey.lake@co.panola.tx.us

110 S. Sycamore, Room 100
Carthage, TX 75633

Phone: (903) 693-0370
Fax: (903) 693-7283

Vote Image

@ Panola County Elections

  • We will have links here when we have the information to post.

  • Election Training for our Election Judges and Alt. Judges will be posted here.  

    Training For November 7th, 2023

    Training for November 5th, 2024


    Texas Secretary of State Poll Worker/Watcher Training

    Volunteer Deputy Registrar Program

    Panola County welcomes participants in its Volunteer Deputy Registrar Program to serve and assist in registering eligible citizens to vote. Becoming a Volunteer Deputy Registrar is easy, but it is a position of trust and responsibility to the citizens that you will register to vote.

    Volunteer Deputy Registrars serve for two-year terms that expire on December 31 of even-numbered years.


    A Volunteer Deputy Registrar must meet the following qualifications:

    • be at least 18 years of age;

    • be a United States citizen;

    • a resident of the State of Texas;

    • not have been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be (1) totally mentally incapacitated or (2) partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote;

    • never have been convicted of failing to deliver a voter’s application to a voter registrar;

    • not have been finally convicted of a felony, or if convicted, must have been (1) fully discharged from the sentence, including any term of incarceration parole, or supervision; or completed a period of probation ordered by any court, or (2) been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disability to vote;

    • not have been finally convicted of identity theft under Section 32.51 of the Penal Code.


    A Volunteer Deputy Registrar may:

    • distribute voter registration applications,
    • assist applicants in completing voter registration applications and
    • accept completed voter registration applications from eligible applicants.

    Volunteer Deputy Registrars must review for completeness each voter registration application submitted to them while the applicant is still in their presence. Incomplete applications must be returned to the applicant for completion.


    Volunteer Deputy Registrars must issue a receipt to each applicant who submits a voter registration application.


    Volunteer Deputy Registrars must personally deliver completed voter registration applications that they accept to the Elections Department within five days of receipt, but not later than the day following the last day to register to vote in the next election. Failure to timely return a voter registration application is a criminal offense and grounds for termination of the Volunteer Deputy Registrar appointment.

    Failure to deliver an application in a timely manner is a criminal offense.  

    How to become a Volunteer Deputy Registrar:


    • In-person training:  In person trainings are postponed until further notice.
    • At-home training: You may come to our office or print off online the secretary of states VDR training guides and then schedule a time to take an examination in our office. 
    • Group Trainings:  Training for your organization or group are postponed until further notice.



      You are eligible if you:

      ·         Are registered to vote in Panola County 

      ·         Do not hold an elected office

      ·         Are not a family member of an elected official on the ballot

      ·         Are not the employee of an elected official

      ·         Enjoy working with the public

      ·         Able to take direction well and not easily distracted

      ·         Have dependable transportation to the Election Polls

      ·         Can work variable or long hours on election day

      General Job Duties:

      ·         Qualifying the voter

      ·         Assisting the voters with the election equipment

      ·         Opening and closing the election polls

      ·         Able to work nights and weekends (early voting)

      ·         Translate if needed (bilingual clerks) 


      Student Election Worker



      Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar-Non Paid Volunteer Position Only


      If interested contact Elections Administrator at 903-693-0370
      or by email at lmason@co.panola.tx.us


      Election Worker Application 

      Online Poll Worker Training Program

    • What are Student Election Clerks?

      High school students who are 16 years of age or older now have the opportunity to participate in the electoral process by serving as Student Election Clerks at any polling place during Early Voting or on Election Day. A student who is at least 16 years of age and who is enrolled in a public or private high school or home school and has the consent of the Principal (or parent/legal guardian in charge of education in home school) may serve as a Student Election Clerk. Our office must receive written authorization from the student’s parent or guardian for the student to serve in the election for which he or she is appointed.

      This program is designed to provide students with a greater awareness of the electoral process and the rights and responsibilities of voters. The students will assist their local election officials by filling positions at polling places during the Early Voting period or on Election Day and working under the direction of the Presiding Judge.

      What are the benefits of serving as a Student Election Clerk?

      Some of the benefits of serving as a Student Election Clerk are:

      • Election workers are paid hourly for their service
      • Students will gain practical experience by serving their community and the State of Texas
      • Experience as a Student Election Clerk is an impressive addition to a resumé or college application
      • Students can take part in a rewarding activity while learning about the democratic process
      • Students can earn community service hours for school

      What are the responsibilities of a Student Election Clerk?

      Working under the supervision of the Presiding Judge, Student Election Clerks may assist with the following duties:

      • Organizing the polling place before the polls open
      • Ensuring that qualified voters are permitted to vote
      • Checking in and processing voters
      • Distributing ballots to registered voters
      • Providing instructions and assistance to voters
      • Explaining the use of the voting equipment
      • Maintaining order in the polling place during Early Voting or on Election Day
      • Obtaining results after the polls are closed and closing the polling place

      What are the required qualifications of a Student Election Clerk?

      To qualify as a Student Election Clerk, the student must:

      • Be at least 16 years old on Election Day
      • Be enrolled in a public, private, or qualified home school
      • Be a U.S. Citizen
      • Have consent of his/her parent or legal guardian to work the election
      • Have consent of his/her school Principal (or parent/legal guardian for home-schooled students), and
      • Complete any required election worker training program

      How to Apply

      Fill out the Student Election Clerk Application and Permission Form

      • Have your parent or guardian sign the parent/legal guardian permission portion.
      • Have your school Principal sign the school Principal authorization portion. Also, take the proper steps to ensure that your absence from school in order to work during Early Voting or on Election Day will be excused.
      • If selected, attend the required election training class prior to serving as a Student Election Clerk. This training provides all the necessary information and knowledge to be a successful elections clerk.
      • Work at the polls as assigned during Early Voting or on Election Day.

      Important Notes:

      • A school district may excuse a student for the purpose of serving as an Early Voting and/or Election Day Student Clerk for a maximum of two days in a school year. (Example: A student could work two weekdays during Early Voting for an election held on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, and then also work on Election Day, as the student would only have to be excused from school for two days.)
      • Up to four Student Election Clerks may work at a single Early Voting site at a time, and up to two Student Election Clerks may work at an Election Day polling place at a time.

      Remember… When you turn 18, you will have reached the age to serve as a regular Election Clerk or Presiding Judge.

      For more information please contact the Panola County Elections Department at (903) 693-0370.