You may search for a parcel by number of methods using the "Drop down" box above:
Address - Enter the House Number and/or Street where the parcel is located.
Owner - Enter all or part of the owners name. The more you enter the finer the search will be.
Acct Number - If you know the property record's account number enter it in the search box.
Map/Block/Lot/Unit/Unit Cut (MBLU) -
Enter the Map Number in the first search box
Enter the Block ID in the second search box
Enter the Lot id in the third search box
If a Condo, enter the unit number in the fourth search box
All - The system will use the value entered in the search box to search multiple categories identified above.
If the value entered in the search field(s) is not unique, you will be provided with a list of records that match the search value entered.