Ogemaw County


Breck Gildner

Ogemaw County Clerk

Breck Gildner is the Ogemaw County Clerk and has held this position since January 2021. The office is an elected position with the term of office being four years. Tracy Turner is the Chief Deputy County Clerk and began her county employment in 2020. The Clerk’s office provides professional, efficient, and attentive service to the people it serves. Ms. Gildner and her staff strive to provide the most cost effective service to the public in ever changing and challenging economic times. The County Clerk’s office oversees a variety of ministerial and oversight functions within the structure of Ogemaw County government.

Tracy Turner

Chief Deputy Clerk, HR & Financial Clerk

Alicia Saudula

Criminal Court Clerk

Kelli Thomas

Financial Clerk

Amy Lauria

Family Court Clerk

Jacie Lucas

Civil Court Clerk & CPL

The County Clerk’s office oversees a variety of ministerial and oversight functions within the structure of Ogemaw County government. The following is a list of the general areas of operation:

  • Vital Statistics registrar including birth, death, marriage, divorce, and
    military veteran’s discharge records;
  • 34th Circuit Court clerk and record keeper;
  • Elections oversight and administration;
  • Supervision of budget expenditures, human resources, and employee
    benefit administration;
  • Board of Commissioners Clerk and liaison; and,
  • Information clearinghouse.

Clerk Office Hours
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday – Closed Federal holidays

Credit/Debit Cards
The Ogemaw County Clerk’s Office now accepts payment by credit/debit cards. To pay by credit/debit card …

  • You must first contact the Clerk’s Office, 989.345.0215
  • Request a pay location code and amount
  • You will be directed to log onto https://www.allpaid.com (this will direct you to the Allpaid Payment Solutions website) to submit your payment.

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