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Chester County was created from parts of neighboring Hardeman,
Henderson, McNairy, and Madison Counties in 1882, making it the last county formed in Tennessee.
This county is named for Col. Robert I. Chester who fought in the war of 1812 and was an early postmaster in Jackson
(Madison County), he was also a federal marshal in West Tennessee. Henderson is the county seat, founded in the
mid 1850's. Early names for the town were Dayton and Henderson Station. The name of Henderson was finally settled
on after the Civil War in honor of Col. James Henderson, also a veteran of the war of 1812 and incorporated in 1901.
The Freed-Hardeman College calls Henderson its home - founded in 1907. Other towns are Mifflin
established in 1833, Jacks Creek in the early 1820's and Enville.
The Mobile and Ohio Railroad passes through the county.

Henderson (County Seat)
Enville (partial) ~ Finger (partial) ~ Milledgeville (partial) ~ Silerton (partial)
Unincorporated Communities
Deanburg ~ Hickory Corners ~ Jacks Creek ~ Masseyville ~ Mifflin ~ Montezuma ~ Sweet Lips ~ Woodville


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