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How CrimeMapping works and more below.

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How Does CrimeMapping Work?

Where Does the Data Come From?

We extract data from the existing records system at each participating law enforcement agency through an automated import process. The data we display will always be the most current available.

How Can I Get My Agency Online?

Sharing crime data with the community is a choice each department makes. If you believe your agency should join this nationwide effort please contact the public information officer at your local law enforcement agency to let them know about Hearing from a member of the community that they serve will have a greater impact than hearing from us.

Create Personalized Alerts

You can create multiple alerts that track crime and/or sex offender movement in any area of interest. Simply define an area of interest, verify that the local law enforcement agency for that area is providing data to and choose which types of crimes and/or sex offenders you are interested in. You will receive an email when new activity occurs.