Sheriff’s Office

(618) 327-8274 (ext. 8)

245 N Kaskaskia St.
Nashville, IL 62263



Ross Schultze

Charles Carroll
Chief Deputy

Brittany Bateman
Office Manager


Sgt. Stephen Lemons
Cpl. Roxzen Styninger
Dpt. Andrew Howard
Dpt. Isaiah Mathis
Dpt. Brent Klingeman
Dpt. Nicholas Krummrich
Dpt. Aaron Storie
Dpt. Kaleb Mayoral
Dpt. John Vincent
Dpt. Jerry Frey

Part-Time Deputy

Dpt. Brandon Watt
Dpt. Joseph Mueckenheim


Application Information and Instructions

The Washington County Sheriff’s Office is an equal opportunity employer. We seek qualified applicants to fill vacancies. Please read this information before completing the application.

Application Process

Applicants must complete the Washington County Sheriff’s Office application [PDF] and return it to the Sheriff’s Office or email to

All sections of the application must be completed and must include the position(s) for which you are applying. Applications are accepted and retained for one year. Any changes or updates to the applications require the applicant to submit a new application.