Payne County District Court

Court Clerk

Lori Allen (Stillwater/Republican)

The Court Clerk records, files, and maintains permanent records of the proceedings of the District court. All court proceedings are public information except those related to juvenile, guardianship, adoption, and mental health cases.

The Court Clerk issues marriage licenses, passports, beverage and private process server licenses.

Monies collected from the court costs are distributed by the Court Clerk to the appropriate units of County and State Government.

Court Clerks follow business procedures prescribed by the Court Administrator's Office, the Oklahoma Supreme Court, and the State Auditor and Inspector.

Payne County District Court cases can be found at

General Information

The District Court of Payne County is one of two member courts of the Ninth Judicial District of Oklahoma. The other member court is the District Court of Logan County. Phillip Corley is the District Judge serving in both counties. Stephen R. Kistler is Associate District Judge. Special Judges are Katherine E. Thomas, R.L. Hert, and for Logan County Susan Worthington. Lori Allen is Court Clerk for Payne County.

Felony dockets are conducted each Friday. Domestic, probate and small claims dockets are held weekly. Civil and misdemeanor dockets are scheduled bi-weekly, and a traffic docket and a preliminary hearing docket is conducted one day each month.

The Court collect $4,800,000.00 per year in court costs, fees and forfeitures, the majority of which is paid to 30 various state and local agencies as required by law.

The Court Clerk has court files and documents commencing from the early 1900s to the current time. The Court Clerk’s office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., and the office is open during the lunch hour. The office is closed on holidays.

Court files, documents and other information can be found on the internet at: This free web site offers extensive case information.

All court records, excluding Juvenile, Mental Health and Adoption records, are available for public inspection. And, court records are stored at the courthouse for easy access, with the exception of older criminal records which are available at an alternate site.

Types of Cases filed in the District Court:

  • Civil: Cases involving personal injury, property and contract disputes, mortgage foreclosure, property damage, eminent domain and other cases not involving crimes or criminal acts.

  • Small Claims: Cases of a civil nature where monetary amount does not exceed $7,500.00 in damages.

  • Probate: Wills, Guardianships, Administration of Estates.

  • Domestic: Divorce, Annulments, Custody of Children.

  • Juvenile: Deprived Children, Delinquent Children.

  • Adoption, Mental Health, Victim Protective Orders.

  • Criminal: Felony, Misdemeanor, Traffic, Search Warrants, Extraditions

  • Licenses: Beverage, Marriage, Process Server, Transient Merchant, Minister Credentials

  • Passport: The Court Clerk office serves as a U.S. Passport Service Acceptance Agency. For further information, check U.S. Passport Services web address by clicking this link: U.S. Passport Services.

  • Jury Summons: The Court Clerk office issues 2,000 jury summons each year. Names of jurors are selected from Division of Motor Vehicle driver license records. Jurors serve a two-month term, can serve up to eighteen days during the term, but usually serve four to six days during that time period. Jurors are paid $20.00/day and mileage for each day of service, and serve on civil and criminal cases set on Corley, Kistler, and Thomas's dockets.
Court Record Copies

Court Clerk staff can provide informational assistance with copies of records for a nominal fee. Copies of records requested by mail may take from 1 to 2 weeks to process, due to the volume of mail. Copies retrieved in person are usually available immediately, with the exception of records more than 10 years old, which may be stored at a different location.

Copy Prices
$1.00 for the first page; $0.50 each page thereafter; $0.50 certification fee

Quick Links


Payne County Courthouse
606 S. Husband Street
Rooms 206 & 207
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074

Phone: (405) 372-4774


    • Monday: 8a - 5p
    • Tuesday: 8a - 5p
    • Wednesday: 8a - 5p
    • Thursday: 8a - 5p
    • Friday: 8a - 5p
    • Sat & Sun: Closed

    • Holidays Excluded
    • Open During Lunch Hour