
Búsqueda de Los Angeles County Leyes y Códigos

Explora Leyes y Códigos en Los Angeles County. Las Leyes y Códigos incluyen códigos estatales, comarcales y regionales, constituciones, proyectos de ley, leyes y otros textos legislativos. La mayoría de estas leyes pueden consultarse en línea buscando por palabras clave o título/número de proyecto de ley.

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  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Montebello code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 2348, passed April 11, 2012.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Monterey Park municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 2093 and the November 2012 code supplement.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Norwalk municipal code by title.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Palmdale city charter, adopted on November 3, 2009.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Palmdale municipal code, resolutions and landscape ordinances.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Paramount municipal code of ordinances by chapter number and subject.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Pasadena municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 7228, passed December 3, 2012.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Pico Rivera municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 1071 and the May 2012 code supplement.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Pomona municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 4168, adopted November 19, 2012, including enacted legislation not yet codified.
  • Leyes y Códigos, Información sobre Votantes y Elecciones
    Search for the City of Pomona public records including bid results, agendas, minutes, ordinances, resolutions, and election information.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Rancho Palos Verdes municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 541U, passed November 7, 2012.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Redondo Beach municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 3098 c.s. and the November 2012 code supplement.
  • Leyes y Códigos, Información sobre Votantes y Elecciones
    Search for the City of Redondo Beach public records such as ordinances, resolutions, contracts, agreements, election results, agendas, staff reports, and minutes.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Rosemead municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 923, passed September 25, 2012, including enacted legislation not yet codified.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search for the City of Rosemead public documents including ordinances, resolutions, bids, contracts, agreements, agendas, and minutes.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of San Gabriel municipal code of ordinances. This code is current through Ordinance 597-C.S., passed January 15, 2013.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search and view the City of Santa Clarita municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 13-1, passed January 8, 2013.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Santa Monica municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 2415CCS and the February 2013 code supplement.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of South Gate municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 2293, passed March 13, 2012.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Torrance municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 3770, adopted February 25, 2014.
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