
Búsqueda de Orange County Leyes y Códigos

Explora Leyes y Códigos en Orange County. Las Leyes y Códigos incluyen códigos estatales, comarcales y regionales, constituciones, proyectos de ley, leyes y otros textos legislativos. La mayoría de estas leyes pueden consultarse en línea buscando por palabras clave o título/número de proyecto de ley.

Buscar Registros Públicos

  • Leyes y Códigos, Información sobre Votantes y Elecciones
    View the City of Aliso Viejo legal notices such as public hearing notices related to City Council proceedings, election notices, summary of ordinances, and notices inviting bids.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Aliso Viejo municipal code of ordinances by title.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search the status of City of Anaheim business tax certificate by name or certificate number.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Anaheim city charter by article number and suject.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Anaheim code of ordinances by title.
  • Leyes y Códigos, Permisos e Inspecciones
    Search for the City of Anaheim public records including resolutions, ordinances, minutes, agendas, financial reports, and building permits. Search by keywords, document type, and date range.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Buena Park municipal code of ordinances. This code is current through Ordinance 1560 and the January 2013 code supplement.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Costa Mesa municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance No. 12-7, enacted September 4, 2012.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Cypress city charter by article number and subject.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Cypress municipal code by chapter.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Fountain Valley municipal code of ordinances. This code is current through Ordinance 1479 and the October 2012 code supplement.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Fullerton code of ordinances.
  • Registros de Propiedad y Escrituras, Leyes y Códigos, Permisos e Inspecciones, Información sobre Votantes y Elecciones
    Search the City of Fullerton document archives including deeds, ordinances, resolutions, campaign statements, agendas, minutes, labor agreements and salary schedules, public notices, and building permits.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Garden Grove municipal code of ordinances.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Huntington Beach city charter by article number and subject.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Huntington Beach municipal code of ordinances by title number and subject.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search for the City of Huntington Beach public records including ordinances, resolutions, minutes, contracts, and historical photos.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Irvine city charter by article number and description.
  • Registros de Propiedad y Escrituras, Leyes y Códigos, Permisos e Inspecciones
    City of Irvine City Clerk, Office of Records
    1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, CA 92623
    Phone: (949) 724-6281
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Irvine municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance No. 12-10, adopted June 26, 2012, including enacted legislation not yet codified.
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