
Búsqueda de Orange County Leyes y Códigos

Explora Leyes y Códigos en Orange County. Las Leyes y Códigos incluyen códigos estatales, comarcales y regionales, constituciones, proyectos de ley, leyes y otros textos legislativos. La mayoría de estas leyes pueden consultarse en línea buscando por palabras clave o título/número de proyecto de ley.

Buscar Registros Públicos

  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of La Habra municipal code by title.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Laguna Niguel municipal code, codified through
    Ordinance No. 2011-165, enacted October 4, 2011.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search the City of Laguna Niguel City public document archive for Council meeting agendas, minutes, ordinances and resolutions.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Lake Forest municipal code, codified through ordinance number 245, passed June 19, 2012.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Mission Viejo municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 12-295, enacted October 1, 2012.
  • Asesor y Registros de Impuestos sobre la Propiedad, SIG y Cartografía, Registros de Propiedad y Escrituras, Leyes y Códigos, Permisos e Inspecciones, Información sobre Votantes y Elecciones
    Search for the City of Mission Viejo official records including real property documents, building permits and certificates, ordinances, resolutions, tract and parcel map files, campaign statements, agendas, minutes and supporting meeting documents.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Newport Beach municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 2013-7, passed March 12, 2013.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View proposed ordinances that have been introduced but have yet to be adopted by the City of Newport Beach City Council.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Newport Beach Clerk's official documents including resolutions, ordinances, contracts, agreements, agendas, minutes, and staff reports.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Orange municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 11-12, passed May 22, 2012, including enacted legislation not yet codified.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Placentia municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance O-2012-01 and the March 2012 code supplement.
  • Leyes y Códigos, Permisos e Inspecciones, Información sobre Votantes y Elecciones
    Search or view the City of Placentia public documents including election notices, agenda packets, building permits, charter, agendas, minutes, ordinances, and resolutions.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Rancho Santa Margarita municipal code of ordinances by title including supplement history.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    View the City of Rancho Santa Margarita public notices including public hearing notices, bids and ordinances.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of San Clemente municipal code of ordinances by title including supplement history.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Santa Ana municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 2828, adopted March 19, 2012.
  • Leyes y Códigos, Información sobre Votantes y Elecciones
    Search or browse the City of Tustin public document archives including ordinances, resolutions, agendas, minutes, and gifts to agency reports.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Tustin municipal code of ordinances, codified through ordinance number 1425, adopted February 5, 2013.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Westminster municipal code. This code is current through Ordinance 2501 and the October 2012 code supplement.
  • Leyes y Códigos
    Search or view the City of Yorba Linda municipal code of ordinances and supplement history.
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